Free terms for Recording

Free terms for Mixing

get ready... 3 beesequipment
"We aren't best recording studio in Czech republic,we're The Best Recording Studio in The World!"

(pronounced [shablonka], meaning "template")

Sawyer beetle, nifty, owner of a couple of very sensitive ears, aesthete. Clear-cut features classify him for character roles. True man and good fellow, ecologist. He is able to disagree without making anyone angry. Surrounded by repute of non-conflictful person that gains confidence of clients immediately.

He plays preferably the guitar and keyboard, moreover, he performs in exceptional group called Moberg Ensemble, "first Czech worldmusic", where he sings and plays percussion.

Together with binksf, he is an author of music for several animated films, children theatre plays and advertisements.

His refined taste and positive treatment of life bring to bands a comfortable cooperation and guarantee of quality production in musical, lyrical and sound direction.

He speaks distinguished high Czech. He is interested in literature, writes poems, is MA of the Czech language.

Member of intelectual and cultural clubs, introvert, existentialist, instructor od musicotherapy.

He likes clear air, clear ashtrays, and clear conscience; he loves dance and music, slightly distorted guitar sound, humanized technology and adores tuning lissom misses.

Will he once be apresident?

3 bees


(pronounced [kakaksa], meaning nothing)

Shortest and beetlest beetle of the studio, owner and founder, bearing the surname Flessig which means diligent in German. He has seen everything, knows everything, and he can do anything.

He occupies himself with sound engineering since 1989, from 1994 professionally.

He is sought for his overview, huge experience, production and arrangement capabilities, empathy and all-genre universality.

He had fiddled the violin that he trampled underfoot, the more he trained guitar in his teens, later he put on keyboard, singing, bass guitar, drums and recorder.

For almost 20 years he was a leading person (with Raxaxa) of a musical and dramatical company of romantical primitives "Chaprál Crazy - Plesk!", played (and still plays) with several more groups.

Nowadays, his full capacity is consumed by work in the studio where he offers his ideas and experience to others for a fee. He gladly sings in choirs and back-vocals or helps with another instruments. It is really peculiar that in spite of his repute of inconsumable artistic fool he is so respected by the clients.

He is interested in design, abstract painting, telepathy and modern classical music. Deviations make him come back to live. He likes being enchanted and inspired, he embodies an aerial that catches waves of other people which allows him to enjoy states close to hypnosis. He writes articles to the server MujMac (MyMac), teaches colleagues, gives seminars and creates web pages. He refuses TV and cars, instead of it he prefers individual activity and straight adventures, bicycle, street, pub, story tellers, animals, slopes and whispering of leaves. He is not against technology, though — he is a keen user of Apple Macintosh computer, iPod player and personal organizers Palm. He regards internet as the greatest invention of human kind, he loves keyboard shortcuts and adores Miss Dreamedof.

Will he once be a president?

(pronounced [binksf], meaning "binksf")

The only beetle in the studio having real tentacles. Hard worker and glutton for work of any kind. Clients praise him for his serenity, speed, willingness and patience.

He is universally talented over the average, both in sports and intelect. He works as an assistant at the Czech academy of science, he shoots and edits instructory films, creates graphics and webdesign.

He plays piano since eight, he sang in a choir till he was banned.

He composes music for animated films, children theatre plays and advertisements together with ©ablonka, he played in Chaprál Crazy - Plesk!, he is a protagonist of the undeniable band Timudej and other projects.

MA of logics. ("Is it true that there is no truth?" "Is termite a nature?") Congenital organizer, eccentric, showman and creator. The cult of finished task can make him work overnight.

He's got no TV set, but he has a rich spiritual life, lots of ideas and strange keyboard instruments. He likes unorderliness, loves grand piano and adores misses from package tours.

Will he once be a president?

"We aren't best recording studio in Czech republic,we're The Best Recording Studio in The World!"
3bees recording studio - recording studio and house of musical service, since 1994 (Demos, Live & Loud)