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"We aren't best recording studio in Czech republic,we're The Best Recording Studio in The World!"


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CD Duplications

Beesness Conditions


Včelařka Štěpulec

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Including "Last Minute" offers(16 % DISCOUNT)

Beesness Conditions

Version for download and print:

I. Financial Conditions




All prices include 20 % VAT.

Bookings and advance deposit

Bookings are not required in written form. It is required to sign these Conditions and deposit 10-30 % of the assumed target amount as a security fee, but at least €40. Not before this security payment will be any binding dates fixed.


Session shifting and cancellation

It is possible to shift or cancel a session until at least 30 days before the date. The later the changes are announced, the higher the penalty charged to the Client, up to the level of the security deposit. However, you can arrange a substitude.


An advance of around 2 / 3 of the projected target amount shall be paid in the first day of recording.

The Client can pay for each frequency or prepay - in such case the recording is at the Client’s disposal at any time, available in full quality. Who does not have his account balanced receives only MP3 files for home listening. For long term projects (like several months) further advances are required.

The recording remains the Studio’s property until final settlement. A master is handed out before the final payment only in urgent cases. In such case it is required to subscribe to an agreement document for recognition of the amount due, with all legal requirements. In terms of non-repayment a penalty of 0.3 % of the amount owed is charged for each day of delay.


II. Scope of services


What you pay for and what you don’t


Time spent in the studio is software measured with minute precision. It always starts at the time of reservation made and may end sooner.

A Bee (3bees sound engineer) is obliged to keep a 5 minute break (paid for) every hour (auditory quiet...). The studio services are to be paid for whether the Client is 50% or 500% satisfied. In our field, unfortunately, it is not possible to establish a normative quality criteria: you are not paying for the products here, but for the services. Assessment of their level is a matter of purely subjective opinion.

Please, do not expect discounts for our mistakes. We consider that the mistakes and omissions are just a part of our job in this complex field and problem solving is also our service and belongs to the studio rental. We declare this to help avoid disputes, misunderstandings and negative energy resulting from that.

If the defect is of such a nature, that it is not possible to work in the studio at all, we propose a break. While the Bees are sweating trying to identify the glitch, the Client can spend their time eating sandwiches and ice cream in the bistro on the corner. To sum it up, stopping timekeeping is associated with leaving the studio. The timekeeper is also stopped when everyone leaves for lunch (time is measured when dining in the studio).

Studio rental ends at the moment when everything is tidy and handed back in the same state in which it was taken over.


Standard session

The daily session is from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, the evening session from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm.

In case of very short session (3 and less hours), we may combine work for you with a session of another client.


Main course and Encore

The basic price of €27 / hour includes services of one Bee and usage of our all current equipment. If you need a specific instrument, it is necessary to give us a notice in advance. When choosing a Bee we try to satisfy our clients' wishes according to our current options.

Additional services (production, playing, arranging, work outside the studio, work not requiring Bee's full attention) are charged the reduced rate €19. This applies only when the recording is worked on in the Studio as well. Otherwise, the price is normal.


€5 surcharge

• for jobs outside the studio, per session - travel cost for live recordings, rehearsal room and live gigs visits for producers; plus €0.3 / km beyond Prague borders
• for booking less than 1 day beforethe session (€5 per session)
• for each started hour when the workstretches over more than 30 minutesafter the Client's booked session time.If the Bee agrees with working aftermidnight, the Client is obliged to returnthe Bee home or to pay taxi.
• for each started hour of irregularsession as a lifebuoy, called "TheLast Resort Session" (FPZ)
• for projects going on for longer than1 year and next €5 for every 3 months
• for 2 gold masters with 200 yearsdurability (1 for you, another one remainsin our safe-guarding) - common CD andDVD are for free up to 10 pieces



III. Funded liability


Instruments and apparatus

The Studio is responsible for musical instruments and apparatus stored in the recording studio, up to half the purchase value. The Client is obliged to pay damages to the equipment that he clearly caused (drumskins, cymbals, broken headphones, speakers, chairs...). The Studio is not responsible for items unrelated to the recording. The Client is obliged to carry their stuff away.

Security and command in the Beehive

The Client is obliged to obey the instructions of the Studio's sound engineers (Bees), otherwise he may banned from the studio. Attention: driving through the gates in the yard after 10:00 pm is strictly prohibited due to interference with the surrounding houses and tenants. The fine for this behaviour may reach up to €2 000!


Audio CD, your data and deposit

Recordings are backed up several times. In case some data got lost, we can not be held responsible for it.

The Studio is entitled to retain the security deposit in the case of unilateral non-compliance by the Client. The Studio does not accept any responsibility for the content of the recording or injury to the audience, authors or musicians caused in the context of the recording. The Studio is not responsible for any copies made from the master CD, quality of the medium or its durability.

The Client is obliged to verify and approve the master CD within a week by listening carefully to it. All data will be then exported by the Studio. We charge half the time rate for burning data, the carrier is free. The data are then handed back to the Client by studio manager and the deposit is repaid. The transfer should take place in about a month, unnecessary delays are penalized by €5.


Master Recordings

We reserve the right to use the recording for our own learning needs in our personal computers and media players and to publish 30 second demonstrations on our website and CD presentation. The Studio and the Client have the right to use photographs taken in the studio for their promotion.



All prices include 20 % VAT.

"We aren't best recording studio in Czech republic,we're The Best Recording Studio in The World!"

3bees recording studio - recording studio and house of musical service, since 1994 (Demos, Live & Loud)